Is Sustainability For Suckers?



Ugly…or  BEAUTIFULLY delicious?

Apparently, growing spreads like this for yourself is silly, foolish, and…

ugly?   AND ILLEGAL??                                                                              

That’s what a judge just ruled because apparently, veggie gardens are, get this, UGLY.

READ HERE: Judge Rules Government Can Ban Vegetable Gardens Because They’re ‘Ugly’ Continue reading »

Now & Then


Do you ever come across photographs from just a year or so in the past and think, this couldn’t possibly be the same (fill-in-the-blank) that I am looking at today? 


Well, I happened to be looking for something completely unrelated, but I came across these pictures of my grapevines from sometime during 2015.  It would have been early in the year, say January or February, when everything was still dormant from the winter weather.


The side yard has had some pretty incredible changes, too.  Pretty dramatic, huh?  


I miss Rennie so, so much.  She was a sweet baby.  This Memorial Day weekend will be one year since she was taken from me.  


I was going through a dangerously low period around this time last year and while I can say that I still have a really bad day every 4 days or so, I am in a relatively better head space now.  I am more functional, productive and forward-looking.  The changes in my grape vine pictures are similar to the changes in my outlook: they are stretching upward and outward, towards light and life.  I have too much writing to do to die.    


On that note, I have another article that was published by The today and 6 more that are coming out over the next two weeks or so on:,,, and  

If you’d like to check out the article, here’s the link: In the Mind of a Person With Rapid-Cycling Type I Bipolar Disorder

make sure to “like” it and share it on facebook, , and Pinterest!  


What photos have you recently come across that have demonstrated a dramatic change in something in your life?





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Stopping & Seeing


Sometimes I don’t have an accurate perspective on how far my garden has progressed in the past year.

Seeing it and working in it every day centers my focus on the minutiae. I prioritize mundane, and sometimes tedious, tasks like weeding, pruning, seeding and transplanting.

Taking pictures helps me appreciate its aggregate beauty.



  It’s remarkably fulfilling seeing hard work come to fruition. Continue reading »


Peanut-Butter-Jelly Time!


Recently, I have been thinking about common stumbling blocks that Eating Disordered individuals face, in both recovery and relapse.

For example, exposure to “unsafe” or “trigger” foods creates the environment for a possible setback.

In relation to my  own specific struggles, “trigger” foods are consumables imbued with the power and potential to lead me to binge, and, subsequently purge.

For many years, Peanut Butter held the primary place among my list of “trigger” foods.   



I actually think that the Peanut Butter struggle is fairly common among Eating Disordered individuals.  I attribute this to the calorie-density, high fat content and satiation quality being irresistible in the face of malnutrition.

Continue reading »