My First “Real” Byline!


Relentless pressure. Wildly unrealistic sales targets. Having to pressure family members and friends to open unnecessary bank accounts. Corporate executives designed the sales quota systems and created the culture of harassment and fear when we did not meet them.

Read about it on the 



Analog Life: How Gardening Can Positively Affect Your Mental Health


Gardening is one of Mother Nature’s great equalizers.  It’s a satisfying and therapeutic activity that anyone–from a senior adult to a very young child – can tackle relatively independently. 



Many can enjoy the gratification of creating something from virtually nothing.  What begin as tiny seeds germinating into something that’s living, thriving, and – potentially – bearing edibles is positively enchanting.  Planting vegetables, fruits, and flowers is an invigorating activity, regardless of one’s age.

Gardening allows us all to be nurturers.  Plants don’t discriminate or stigmatizeFor those with mental health problems to be able to contribute to such a transformative activity, gardening can really help boost self-esteem.

Additionally, we can deal with depression, worry and panic by getting our hands dirty and digging in the dirt.

Here are the essential reasons you’ll want to incorporate gardening into your and your family’s lifestyle:

Teaches/Provides a Sense of Responsibility

For kids: Garden caretakers will have to be conscientious in watering the plants regularly, checking to make sure they are looking healthy, and keeping them in direct sunlight (or shade) as directed.  They will take pride in their “green pets” and the fact that they are thriving thanks to their hard work and dedication.



Provides a Tangible Source of Accomplishment & Pride

Gardening takes commitment and sustained effort but there’s a payoff! It helps us to be less insular, less self-absorbed.  We are forced to refocus our efforts on something external: there’s the diligence in watering the plants consistently, checking to make sure they are looking pruned back and healthy-looking, and getting enough sun (or shade), as the case may be.  You might be surprised at how much pride you take in your plants and the fact that they are thriving thanks to your hard work and dedication.

Reinforces Healthy Eating Habits

Practically nothing beats fresh produce, and definitely not artificial, pre-packaged foods full of preservatives.  It can be easy to eat unhealthily when fresh food isn’t readily available, but what if it were right outside your front door?  A successful garden project gives you an opportunity to get excited about eating the right foods in the most organic, fresh, and eco-friendly way possible, which could ultimately contribute to a self-esteem boost.



Working (Out) in Nature Releases the “Happy” Hormones

When we exercise, levels of serotonin and dopamine (hormones that make us feel good) rise and the level of cortisol (a hormone associated with stress) is lowered. According to the National Institute of Health, the Benefits of regular exercise include improved sleep, stress relief, and improved mood. I can personally vouch for the workout that gardening offers: as a former long-distance runner, I now rely on gardening as my main source of exercise – and each session leaves me dead on my feet – it can get rid of excess energy so I sleep better and ultimately feel renewed inside.  No treadmill or free weights required.

Promotes Self-Esteem, Positive Personal Identity and Internal Locus of Control

According to MetroParent, “Gardening engages both mind and body, and can help kids improve motor skills, boost self-esteem and stimulate the senses. Parents who teach their children how to nurture a garden soon discover that the garden nurtures the child as well.”

The exercise that gardening provides can yield a self-esteem revolution It promotes positive personal identity: one rooted in hard work, strength, and perseverance.

Specifically for Kids: Children learn better when they understand the context of their activity. They’ll have fun gardening, but beyond the fact that gardening is associated with “playtime”  they are contributing to the overall family well-being. Besides planting and nurturing their garden beds, be sure they alone do the harvesting and preparation of their crop for the table, no matter how modest the offering.



For Adults: Gardening yields a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction for us all, especially when there’s suddenly head-high sunflowers or that first tomato ready for picking.  It’s a great feeling and you’ll know we’ve worked hard for it! Continue reading »

What Riding The Wells Fargo Wagon Was Really Like


of the corporate culture:

Relentless pressure. Wildly unrealistic sales targets. Having to pressure family members and friends to open unnecessary bank accounts. Corporate executives designed the sales quota systems and created the culture of harassment and fear when we did not meet them.

Featured Article On writeHackr


My most recent article is featured in writeHackr Magazine Issue 05 which is now available in the iOS App Store and on Google Play.

If you have an apple or android device, you can download a free issue of writeHackr Magazine. My first article for them is now available in issue 05! Apple users can get it on iTunes and android users can get it on Google play.

The magazine is geared toward content creators, but there’s a lot of good business strategy and entrepreneurial-related information, too.

Click over to (for Apple devices) or (for Android devices) to subscribe and read the latest issue!



Lace Up To Shape Up: How To Begin a Running Program or Start Again Now!


The other evening, a friend I grew up with in Palm Coast contacted me to ask my advice on getting back into running. He explained that, although he had been in peak physical condition during active military service, the demands of work and the responsibilities that come along with raising a young family have made settling into a predominantly sedentary lifestyle a subconscious decision for him.

“I’d passively let it happen to me,” he explained. “But now I have a baby on the way and I don’t want to be a ‘fat dad’.”

While I don’t believe in providing running advice in the context of weight loss, I understood the implication was that he wanted to maintain an appropriate body mass and thus reclaim cardiovascular health, theoretically extending his life.

He’s making positive changes because he wants to stick around for his kid.

In regard to his former relationship with exercise, he said:

“I loved my long runs, I lived for the sprint at the end of a 10 miler. How do I get back into loving running where I need it all the time, the energy, the quality of life?”

Here’s my response (could be applied to anyone running to a running regimen or beginning one for the very first time): Continue reading »

What Is Stigma?


Three out of four people with a mental illness report that they have experienced stigma.

75 percent!

What is Stigma? 

Stigma is a mark of disgrace and/or public shunning that sets a person apart.

Stigma can evoke feelings of: 

  • shame

  • self-blame

  • hopelessness & distress

  • reluctance to seek and/or accept necessary help

    Families are also affected by stigma, which, in turn, can lead to a lack of support. For mental health professionals, stigma means that they themselves are seen as abnormal, corrupt or evil, and psychiatric treatments are often viewed with suspicion, fear, or disgust.

 How is stigma perpetuated? 

 When a person is labeled by their illness they are seen as part of a stereotyped group. Negative attitudes create prejudice which leads to negative actions and discrimination.

When Star Wars’ Jake Lloyd’s schizophrenia got him into trouble, he received very little media empathy. In fact, there was much parody made of him, not only making light of a very serious illness but publicly shaming him. It made me so furious that so many media outlets could be so irresponsible, cruel, and dangerous in their public messages –some of which went viral– that I wrote the following about how they propagated the stigma of mental illness. 

The article is live on Odyssey


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What is Guilt?



Feeling guilty has been a predominant theme in my life.  As a child, I learned to feel guilty about eating, ashamed about my body and, for some reason, (irrationally) responsible for my family’s collective happiness…


…I wanted to be small like my friends; tiny.  I equated smallness with thinness and thinness with value.   I wanted to shrink into myself.  I wanted to fit into my friends’ clothes so we could share.  I wanted to fit. I wanted to fit in.

READ MORE AT Sammiches & Psych Meds

Guilty: Overcoming the Seeds of Childhood


What Is Paranoia?


, like any other emotion, falls on a spectrum; there are varying intensities of the feeling, and, depending on the context or situation, it can endure for any given length of time.  Everyone feels anxious now and then, say, before an interview or while preparing to go on a .  But feeling anxious all the time is another story altogether.  Anxious and fearful, that is.

Read more at InsightBulletin


No-Fail Summer Garden Starters


Have you thought about starting a garden but let spring pass you by?  It’s not too late to plant a Summer Garden! You can plant now for a late Summer harvest and even plant again in time for a Fall Harvest too!

If you’ve never scratched the surface of gardening before, not to worry! When I first started my garden, I was completely clueless.  Every new project is an experiment, and I’ve learned from some of the planting mistakes I made early on.  I’ve now got plentiful Muscadine grapes, so I must be doing something right!


I put together an article for Tribe Magazine that is just perfect for novice gardeners and children:

5 Super-Easy Plants Your Kids Will Love Growing Themselves This Summer

It’s full of good information to get you started on your summer garden. This one provides specific examples of the plants that are best suited for a child’s (or impatient adult’s!) first gardening experience. There are lots of plants that are practically no-fail options that don’t require a green thumb or lots of space, time, or funds. Check out this article to see how you can get started!

Gardening is one of the most satisfying and therapeutic activities kids can tackle relatively independently.  Children love creating something from (virtually) nothing.  What begins as tiny seeds which germinate into something that’s living and bearing edibles is almost tantamount to magic.  Planting vegetables and flowers is an exciting activity, regardless of age.

Read more:

IMG_1884IMG_1816 Continue reading »