Garden Therapy

Between the inevitable spring showers, I have managed to log some much-needed Garden Therapy hours this week.  Earlier today, my mom came over and helped me for several hours.  Between the two of us, we accomplished a decent amount of work.

My Grape Vines have returned to life and are flourishing:

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Just a few weeks ago, they were completely bare:


If you look closely, you can see the row of Sunflower seedlings planted on the back side of the fence.

Here is the current rear-view:


Sunflowers grow rapidly, so they should be taller than the fence in no time!


My little Squash seedlings are getting stronger:


I didn’t grow Squash last year, so I am looking forward to this season’s results.  I love fried zucchini.  πŸ™‚


The Black Raspberries are continuing to produce quite well.


Today’s harvest filled a large bowl nicely!


The Bell Pepper plants are flowering and producing fruit, as well:


Yum.  πŸ™‚


The Fig Trees are getting quite leafy and large:



My Avocado Tree is huge!


Can you believe this was a pit about 10 months ago?

I’ve also got a few Strawberry plants.  Some that have returned from last Spring:


Not quite ripe yet!


Some, newly planted, seem to have been a bunny rabbit’s lunch.  πŸ™


Rest assured, protective netting was placed over these to prevent further snacking!

What do you think of my Springtime Garden of 2015?

Do you have any advice that I could use for this season’s crops?

2 thoughts on “Garden Therapy

  1. The garden really looks like its flourishing!
    Its so nice that you and your mom can spend time in the garden together and its so helpful to have a second set of hands! There were days when I felt like weeding could be a full time job.

    • Hey MG,
      Thanks! I am happy with how it is progressing. Having another person working with me makes a huge difference. Weeding IS a full time job because, weeds grow like, well, WEEDS! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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