
Going Gluten-Free Series: Part 2


Before I continue the “Going Gluten-Free Series”, I have both good news and bad news to report.

The good news is that the high today was 70 degrees.


The bad news is that I sustained an injury to my left quadricep muscle this week, and for the last two days, I have been unable to run.

Thus, the favorable weather went to waste was not enjoyed (by me) to the fullest extent. Continue reading »

Going Gluten-Free Series: Part 1


The phrase “Gluten-Free” seems to be popping up everywhere.

The ubiquitous label, which has surpassed even the “low-carb” craze in marketing popularity, is actually worthy of contemplation.

What  does Gluten-Free mean?

          What is a Gluten-Free diet?

First, let’s establish what Gluten itself is:

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten also exists in many whole grain foods related to wheat, including bulgur, farro, kamut, spelt, and triticale (a hybrid of wheat and rye). Continue reading »


Autism 101


Family and Family Dynamics are recurring themes on this blog.

Often, I discuss my relationship with my parents and siblings as it pertains to my eating disorder recovery.

Sometimes, I am inspired to share a childhood memory or amusing anecdote.

Despite my considerable interest in genetic predisposition, I have yet to devote much online discourse to my youngest siblings, Mark and Aaron.

I mentioned them briefly in this post to illustrate why quality down-time with my mom is both precious and rare.

Mark (age 14) and Aaron (age 12) are both diagnosed with Severe Autism.

I want you to know about Autism.

Why should you care?

Continue reading »

MyOatmeal! MyHappyTummy!


Last weekend, I received my Specialized Oatmeal and PB Lean from MyOatmeal.com.  This online company specializes in creating delicious, custom-blends of gourmet oatmeal and other nutritious products.  With all the miles I have been running in this cold weather, I was so happy to see that delivery waiting on my doorstep!

Truly, I am so glad that I gave MyOatmeal a try.  Like I explained in this post, you simply go online to create your Oatmeal or PB Lean blend while the price and nutrition facts update live as you adjust your order.

You can choose from Small, Medium and Large size bags.

A you may recall, I chose Oatmeal Cookie and Sugar Cookie Flavors.


Because, cookies. Continue reading »