
Garden Therapy


Between the inevitable spring showers, I have managed to log some much-needed Garden Therapy hours this week.  Earlier today, my mom came over and helped me for several hours.  Between the two of us, we accomplished a decent amount of work.

My Grape Vines have returned to life and are flourishing:

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Autism Awareness Month


April is Autism Awareness month.

AUTISMAWARE2That fact should be significant to everyone as the prevalence in the United States is estimated at 1 in 68 births.  This means it is extremely likely that your own life will be touched in some way by an individual on the Autism Spectrum.

Autism exists within my own family.  My two youngest siblings, Mark and Aaron, have severe Autism.  They are school-age and non-verbal.    You can check out my Autism 101 post for basic information on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Continue reading »