
Peanut-Butter-Jelly Time!


Recently, I have been thinking about common stumbling blocks that Eating Disordered individuals face, in both recovery and relapse.

For example, exposure to “unsafe” or “trigger” foods creates the environment for a possible setback.

In relation to my  own specific struggles, “trigger” foods are consumables imbued with the power and potential to lead me to binge, and, subsequently purge.

For many years, Peanut Butter held the primary place among my list of “trigger” foods.   



I actually think that the Peanut Butter struggle is fairly common among Eating Disordered individuals.  I attribute this to the calorie-density, high fat content and satiation quality being irresistible in the face of malnutrition.

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Transplanting Time!


Nearly two weeks have passed since my last post: the combined result of computer issues and staying busy with transplanting seedlings.

All of my Sunflower Seedlings have been successfully relocated into the front yard.  About 3/4 of them appear as though they will make it through the shock of transplanting, which is encouraging.

I have worked through transplanting all of my Bell Pepper Seedlings and about half of the Tomato Sprouts.  I am less optimistic about these little ones.  Unfortunately, the weather has been so hot and dry that they seem to have withered almost as soon as I got them into the ground.

In the last week, I sprouted Yellow Squash and Broccoli Sprouts indoors, which are ready to go outside: Continue reading »