The Scoop on Skoop

Last week, I mentioned that HealthySkoop was kind enough to send me some of their products for a review.  I received A-Game, which is a Superfoods powder and B-Strong, a highly nutritious protein powder.


Skoop is made with 100% organic fruits, veggies, greens, fibers, herbs, honey, flavors, and stevia extract.  They are Plant and Whole-foods based and strictly non-GMO!

Skoop is a gluten & soy-free plant-based powder that provides 10 servings of fruits & vegetables.  Each serving contains:

  • Vegetables – Broccoli, Carrot, Spinach, Parsley, Beet & Kale
  • Greens – Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Spirulina & Chlorella
  • Superfruits – Apple, Blueberry, Pomegranate, Goji, Acai & Cranberry
  • Adaptogens – Astragalus, Reishi, Cordyceps & Rhodiola
  • Fibers – Flax Seed & Chia
  • Probiotics – L. Acidophilus, B. Longum, L. Casel, & Rhamnosus
  • Antioxidants – Quercetin, White Tea, Rosemary, Green Tea & Grape Skin

 I tried A-Game and B-Strong in a few different ways…

A-Game (Sweet Greens Flavor) mixed with:

Almond Milk:


This was yummy; the serving of A-Game sweetened up the almond milk resulting in a pleasant taste.  

Hot Tea:


Not a bad taste and I felt good about boosting my beverage with extra Phytonutrients!

Greek Yogurt


I stirred in a packet of A-Game to my Greek yogurt and added cinnamon.  This was the best tasting A-Game combination I tried.  (I ended up repeating this snack with my remaining A-Game packet).

Note: I only consumed A-Game after a workout once, in combination with B-Strong.  I would recommend consuming the two together versus separately if you were looking for a good recovery drink.

B-Strong (Viva-nilla Flavor) mixed with:



The taste was decent,  because it was Viva-Vanilla Flavored, but it wasn’t something I would savor.  If you are looking for a quick boost of protein, this is a convenient way to get it immediately following a workout.

Greek Yogurt and Frozen Berries:


Yum! This was really good.  The yogurt and the de-frosted frozen berries helped bring out the vanilla flavor in B-Strong.  This was a satisfying and delicious post-workout snack containing 32 Grams of Protein.

Like I mentioned above,  I would recommend consuming the two together versus separately if you were looking for a good recovery drink.

My overall impression of HealthySkoop is that they provide good-tasting and convenient ways of consuming Plant-Based, REAL Food and WHOLE Food.

The absence of chemical add-ins and synthetic ingredients is refreshing.  The fact that they are non-GMO demonstrates to me that they have a strong social conscience.

I would recommend that my fellow athletes try the B-Strong powder for improved post-workout recovery and a boost of phytonutrients.  Moreover, I would suggest A-Game to anyone wanting an easy, convenient way to improve their overall nutrition.  I would definitely purchase their product again.

Question: Is a company’s social conscience important to you? Is it so important that it would determine whether you purchased their product?


Disclaimer: I was compensated by Healthy Skoop with free products.  All opinions on Skoop products are honest and my own.



4 thoughts on “The Scoop on Skoop

  1. I use protein powder and almond milk now. I don’t have a lot of $ to spend on supplements, so I get what I can on SNAP. Unfortunately it is all I can afford. My Dr. gave me a script for ensures, but have to go to a medical supply to get them. Have not gone yet.
    CALL ME Kristen, or please give me your number. I think you could help me. I need a friend who has”been there”.

  2. Hi Carole!

    Almond milk is great, but it has much less protein than soy milk. I would encourage you to supplement the almond milk with a source of extra protein. Get your Rx filled for the Ensures! I know it’s difficult to follow through with nutrition when the battle is still going on in your mind.

    Just a reminder, this is a public blog, so any comments are visible to everyone. I removed your phone number from the comment to protect your privacy.

    I am still struggling daily, Carole, and I am sorry to hear that you are as well. Unfortunately, I am not in a place where I can offer anyone help with Eating Disorder recovery. I can only offer my own personal experiences here on this blog.

    Please take care of yourself. Are you seeing a therapist or M.D. regularly?

  3. I am supplementing with protein powder. Whey. I tried soy milk, but the almond milk has more flavor. I know the protein is less. I’m going vegan for the most part. I sneak in some chicken occasionally. Ice cream and chocolate. Can’t resist, but my cholesterol has come way down.

  4. I like the taste of almond milk better as well. I think it is a little more versatile in recipes, too. I’m glad to hear that your cholesterol levels have improved!

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