I Wish People Came With Subtitles


I Really Suck At Reading A Room.


Credit: Pixabay

I hardly ever get the opportunity to see all of my brothers at once, so when two of the oft-absent siblings were recently in town, I made the extra effort to go see them at my father’s house where they’d be crashing for the weekend.  

When I first arrived,  I noticed a movie playing in the family room with the closed caption feature enabled. Naturally, this version displays subtitles at the bottom of the screen, providing viewers the words to the entire episode. I could see and hear it from the foyer: a popular actress was lighting up the screen and deftly stealing the heart of her co-star while every last word was accounted for.    

I remarked to no one in particular that I have a habit of utilizing the subtitle feature on absolutely everything I watch, without exception. Literally, it is unreservedly compulsive.  I detest watching movies or television without this feature and, if said option is not available, its absence becomes so distracting that I will often cease watching altogether. I’m so used to doing it, that, when I don’t,  I feel as though I’m missing one of my senses, like the sound is turned all the way down on the program, even though I know, of course, that it’s not.  

I’m not sure when the obsessive subtitles dependency began, but I can definitively say that I have been doing it for the last 5 years minimum. The inclination toward doing  this probably originated simultaneously with my Netflix binge-watching habit.

In response to my comment, my brother agreed that he’s likewise fond, verging-on-obsessed, with subtitles. I know my mom uses subtitles at her house, too. She’s big on foreign cinema. Also, she utilizes the feature while running on her treadmill because that can get noisy.

It could be that my family members and I are genetically predisposed towards auditory issues, but that explanation seems unlikely. Rather, I believe that our collective devotion to reading, both for pleasure and education, is so strong that we simply prefer to “read” what we watch.  As a child, I had a strong and enduring passion for reading.  I sought it out as an “escape” and a comfort.  As an adult, I still seek relief in its familiarity.  

I wish I could apply the comfort and familiarity of the “Subtitle Feature”to my real life; especially when interacting with people in real life.

And dogs, too, obviously.  That goes without saying.  So entertaining.   Continue reading »

What Riding The Wells Fargo Wagon Was Really Like


of the corporate culture:

Relentless pressure. Wildly unrealistic sales targets. Having to pressure family members and friends to open unnecessary bank accounts. Corporate executives designed the sales quota systems and created the culture of harassment and fear when we did not meet them.

Thursday Thoughts: New Insights Into How The Body Influences The Mind

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There’s strong evidence that the mind/body connection is positively correlated, meaning the more balanced your physical health, the more balanced your  mental health ought to be.



Spraying chemicals on the lawns your children and grandchildren play in or in the gardens where you grow your produce that winds up on your dinner table…how can you be surprised with these results? Wake up people! Think about what you are doing. The FDA and government regulations aren’t protecting you–they are protecting their profits. Why do you think Autism rates have climbed so dramatically? One theory is liberal use of pesticides. Maybe you don’t believe that theory, but you can’t tell me you are in “support” of the copious use of poison on our food that IS linked to other defects? Go organic now. Stop using pesticides, herbicides and go organic.


You can be weed-free and grow successfully without poison. Promise. Continue reading »


Illuminate Your Life With Aurorae Yoga


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My package arrived over the weekend.  😀

I’ve been saying that I need to reduce high-impact exercise and focus on doing anxiety-reducing, strengthening yoga.  

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time or if you know me personally you know that 1.) I am a perpetually anxious person and 2.) I am perpetually injured person from overtraining via high-impact cardio.  

I was inspired to try out the ,  luxurious microfiber towel, cute women’s slim flip flops, and slip-free rosin bag-which, by the way, is genius.


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I Wear My Sunglasses At Night So I Can, So I can…Sleep


It’s no secret that I have a sleep cycle that’s perpetually in flux.  Days with no sleep aren’t uncommon, but neither are days comprised of sleep and only sleep.  My bipolar disorder is the conductor of its rhythm and, although I try to maintain a traditional schedule, my neurological pathways beg to differ.

I blog about the challenges of finding balance often.  I know that the disruption of natural biological rhythm contributes towards aggravating my bipolar symptoms.  Insomnia reinforces or creates states of hypomania, mania, or a mixed episode.  Oversleeping and depression are correlated.  I know this.  And it’s not just how many or how few hours I spend sleeping.  It’s when I’m sleeping.  And for the better part of the last year, when I did sleep, my body has desperately wanted to sleep through the day and be awake during the night, all night.  I’ve been totally mixed up.

Let’s say I began with a state of something akin to alert wakefulness somewhere in the afternoon hour.  I’d exercise, do chores around my house, get a ton of writing done, eat meals around the times that a person would if the p.m. were actually a.m. and vice versa.  I’d get so much done, in fact, that I’d keep working and keep working through to the next day.  But instead of going to sleep during what was “my nighttime”, I’d still be awake because, of course, the sun was out now.  So by the next day, a little bit of hypomania kicks in, but I’ve got no idea, because, you see, I’m getting so much done!  

At this point in my sleep-wake cycle, I’m not paying any attention whatsoever, because (according to what I think at the time) I’m producing the most articulate and comprehensible delight for which any editor in their right mind would be champing at the bit!   Only, I’m not in my right mind, just my write mind.

Fortunately, because of my medication-mainly the mood stabilizer and antipsychotic medication-I’m prevented from escalating into full-blown mania, or worse, a mixed episode.  I don’t know how many days pass like this.  Not many because I’m Ultradian Rapid Cycling.

And then.

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Orchestrating Change


I am embarrassed to say that I’m nearly a week late posting this, but I have some very interesting and inspiring information to share with you all.  About two weeks ago, I was contacted by the talented, highly acclaimed, Emmy-winning filmmaker, BARBARA MULTER-WELLIN about a documentary that she and the mutually talented, Emmy-winning MARGIE FRIEDMAN are creating entitled ORCHESTRATING CHANGE.  

Orchestrating Change

ORCHESTRATING CHANGE is the documentary film that tells the inspiring story of Me2/Orchestra, the only classical music organization in the world for people with mental illnesses and those who support them. Led by a once world-renowned conductor whose own career was shattered by his diagnosis of bipolar disorder, the Me2/Orchestra’s exhilarating performances challenge societal stereotypes about mental illness.”

p01 m1

 “In ORCHESTRATING CHANGE,   the musicians courageously disclose how they cope with the many difficulties of daily life including, devastating discrimination. They interact with friends, family, co-workers, and each other while rehearsing once a week with the orchestra and working towards the big performance. Some must make mandated appearances at Mental Health Court. Others are living at halfway houses or sober residences. Some, unable to work, are barely eking by on disability income. For many, just getting to rehearsal every week can be a major obstacle.”

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FLASH SALE: Up to 70% Off Parisian Fashions




When you get a moment, check out Goodnight Macaroon’s EVERY TUESDAY Flash Sale by clicking through this post or on any of the affiliate banners on this site.  Their clothes are super cute and they do have pieces that are reasonably priced.  They have an entire section devoted to $20 or less!  Check it out: 

Goodnight Macaroon.

The Parisian-inspired clothing is tasteful and stylish.  It’s like…everything-with rompers, peasant tops, and nautical looks.  You just have to see it for yourself.  

They specialize in celebrity & blogger looks too!

Shop travel outfits for your vacation half off today 48 hours only through this link!




Shop Now! 50 % off Sale Only Lasts 48 Hours


**Affiliate Post

Hey! Like my writing?  Do you wish you had access to all of my password protected posts and other content that isn’t available online?  I have other work!  I’ve published !  It’s nothing crazy; they are about 50-55 pages each and cost approximately $5 each depending on what country you are purchasing from.  Each ebook consists of a , mental illness, family dynamics, social anxiety, and other awkward shit that happens in my life.  It’s relatable, honest and raw.  Oh, and there are pictures in titles like  & .  You’ll probably like it.  Or not.  What the hell? It’s $5! 

***If you have previously purchased Amazon downloadable content, please note that the ebook content has changed.  Some previously available titles have been updated and contain more essays, pages, pictures, etc.  If you have specific questions, please email me directly @ .  

Goodnight Macaroon Flash Sale Tuesday 50% Off!

The following post includes affiliate links: 

IMG_1881 IMG_1884

My first featured article on RoleReboot went live on the front page today.  

Check it Out here.  

Also, for a full listing of my articles published on other sites, see these pages:

Published Work |  Featured On 


And when you get a moment, check out Goodnight Macaroon’s EVERY TUESDAY Flash Sale by clicking through this post or on any of the affiliate banners on this site.  Their clothes are super cute and they do have pieces that are reasonably priced.  They have an entire section devoted to $20 or less!  Check it out: 

Hey, everyone.  Summer’s here.  That means vacations are coming up along with summer holiday gatherings.  You’ll definitely want to be dressed appropriately for each and every occasion.  

The good news is, I have a great shopping recommendation that I’ll share with you:

Goodnight Macaroon.

The Parisian-inspired clothing is tasteful and stylish.  It’s like…everything-with rompers, peasant tops, and nautical looks.  You just have to see it for yourself.  

They specialize in celebrity & blogger looks too!

Shop travel outfits for your vacation half off today only through this link!






Shop Now! 50 % off Sale Only Lasts 48 Hours


**Affiliate Post

Hey! Like my writing?  Do you wish you had access to all of my password protected posts and other content that isn’t available online?  I have other work!  I’ve published !  It’s nothing crazy; they are about 50-55 pages each and cost approximately $5 each depending on what country you are purchasing from.  Each ebook consists of a , mental illness, family dynamics, social anxiety, and other awkward shit that happens in my life.  It’s relatable, honest and raw.  Oh, and there are pictures in titles like  & .  You’ll probably like it.  Or not.  What the hell? It’s $5! 

***If you have previously purchased Amazon downloadable content, please note that the ebook content has changed.  Some previously available titles have been updated and contain more essays, pages, pictures, etc.  If you have specific questions, please email me directly @ .