Tea & Cookies

Despite the mild weather, it still gets pretty chilly at night.  60 degrees is cold! I am staying warm by drinking herbal tea.

104_1052I am trying out this (new to me) blend:

104_1292Don’t get me wrong, I am still a fan of Yogi Tea, but I am all out:

104_0901 104_0903I finished the last of the Pumpkin Spice tea at my Addiction Recovery Group on Monday night.  I am going to look for more of this on my next grocery run because it tastes amazing and smells like pumpkin pie.

104_1262The tea which I miss the most is the Downton Abbey blend that my mom gave me around Christmas.  It was a sweet mix of Roses, Licorice and Raspberry.  I loved it.10873010_394993513992746_7536756005120433798_oUnfortunately, it was a Limited Edition item, so all that remains is the empty sachet container.

So what goes with tea? Biscuits! Er, cookies, that is, for us savage Americans.

I finally made a batch of Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Cookies using the last of my PB Lean:


I significantly undercooked them, so I could “gum” them.  I am still not able to chew anything unless it is raw or soggy.

The picture is not pretty, but they tasted pretty I can tell you.  104_1301

Recipe for Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Cookies inspired by Elise:


1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter (1 stick, 4 ounces), room temperature
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 egg
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour 2/3 cup PB Lean Powder plus 3/4 cup Rice Flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt


Cream the butter and sugar together, then mix in the egg and peanut butter.

Mix the dry ingredients separately, then add dry mixture to sugar/butter mixture.

Preheat oven to 350°F.  Eat raw dough while waiting on oven.

Drop cookie dough balls about 3 inches apart on cookie sheet.  If you want to be fancy, shape the dough into 1 1/4 inch balls.

Bake until light brown, about 9 to 10 minutes.

Remove the cookies from the oven and let cool in their baking sheets for a minute.

After a minute, transfer the cookies to a rack to cool completely.


Do you have any tea blends to recommend?

4 thoughts on “Tea & Cookies

    • Hey Nicole,
      Dandelion tea sounds interesting…maybe that will be my next blend! Thank you; I adore the mug as well! :-)

  1. 60 degrees sounds really good to me about now!
    I love walking and being outside but even I have my limit. I believe I have found that limit to be anything below 30 being unpleasant and only walking for transportation not pleasure.
    I also love the Berry Zinger I believe there is a Lemon Zinger too (or at least there used to be).
    The good thing about cookies is you can always dunk them in your tea to soften them up!

    • Hey MG,

      I agree below 30 degrees is unpleasant…as is anything between 30 and 60, haha!
      Lemon Zinger sounds good, and it is probably excellent iced! Maybe I will wait on that one for during the warm weather. :-)
      And yes, between tea, almond milk and cashew milk, there is copious dunking happening here! :-)

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