Spring Fever & Special Requests

Typically, my posts assume the voice of first-person narrative.  I don’t normally address readers directly, but I have a special request for you today. As an Amazon Associate, I get a tiny kickback anytime my readers make a purchase on if they end up there via my site. So if you happen to be purchasing anything from Amazon, please visit my site first and click on any Amazon advertisement. That’s all you have to do!

Thank you in advance for your support and readership.

Moving on to more pressing matters, like Spring Garden Planning!

104_1272I like getting my information from books.  I highly recommend it!  :-)

I don’t know about you, but I have Spring Fever; it cannot arrive soon enough.

Last weekend, I started some tomato and bell-pepper seeds indoors.  By day 2, one very industrious tomato seed had sprouted up!
That seedling is going places

I am certainly not complaining.

My citrus trees have small buds and my raspberry bushes have started bearing early fruit.  My Easter lily bulbs have shot back up, also.


Navel Orange Tree

This thrills me because it indicates that, sensing the inevitability of Spring, my front-yard garden is coming back to life!

I cannot wait until I see something similar to this again:


Along with weeding, composting and seeding, I have been getting creative in the kitchen.

Being on a diet restricted to liquids and soft-foods has become tiresome.  For the last week and a half, my meals have been bland and repetitive.  Feeling satiated has also been a struggle without the sensory experience of chewing my food.

On Monday, I created a Broccoli/Vegetable Blended Soup which, despite its pallid appearance, was delicious.


Under normal circumstances, I consume a lot of fresh or flash-frozen vegetables.  In canned or shelf-stable soups, a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber are compromised.  Thus, continues Adventures in Homemade Soup Creation!

Today, I made a Mushroom & Flax Blended Soup.

Traditionally prepared, this soup is a nutritional wasteland.  It lacks fiber, vitamins and protein.

The version at which I arrived is a bit doctored-up. Instead of water or dairy milk, I prepared the base with Silk’s Cashew Milk.


Once the base was prepared, I added Ground Flax-Seed Meal and Cottage Cheese.

The Cottage Cheese contributed calcium and protein.  The Ground Flax-seed, an absolute nutritional powerhouse, added fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, and Omega-3’s.

Mushroom soup was my favorite as a child, so this creation was a pleasant variation on some comfort food.

As much as I did enjoy it, reveling in nostalgia, my adult palate prefers the Broccoli/Vegetable Blend.

My mouth can also tolerate scrambled eggs, which I prepared with chopped spinach and olive oil.


It’s certainly a relief to be able to work some soft food in the meal plan.

I am looking forward to this weekend, because on Sunday, my dad is bringing over a donated bicycle for me.  Normally, when an injury sidelines me from running,  riding my bike would be next in line as far as activity preference is concerned.

In this post, I explained how my previous bike was stolen.  I am incredibly grateful for the contribution and feel very lucky to be receiving such a wonderful gift.

Being sedentary makes me anxious; I am relieved that I will be able to expend some pent-up mania  energy soon.

Once again, don’t forget: if you happen to be purchasing anything from Amazon, please visit my site first and click on any Amazon advertisement. Thanks again! :-)


What’s going on with you this week? What are you most looking forward to about this weekend?



6 thoughts on “Spring Fever & Special Requests

  1. What do you think of the cashew milk on its own? I sometimes use almond milk in place or regular or soy milk, and I’ve been disappointed that it doesn’t have an almond-y taste.

    Week: Lots of walking in the beautiful snowy parks.
    Weekend: More of the same, plus curling up with a good book. :)

  2. Hey Lotus!
    Cashew Milk has a very similar taste to Almond Milk, in my opinion. I think Soy probably has the creamiest taste because of the slightly higher fat content. I often prepare Chocolate Cashew Milk; that’s really good!
    Sounds like a great week and weekend! I love reading. Anything new or re-reading a favorite?
    Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Thanks!

    I just started “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.” It’s been recommended to me a million times and when it appeared in the little free library earlier this week I figured it was a sign I finally give it a try.

    The only gardening book I own (for now) is “You Grow Girl.” Are you familiar?

    • Lotus,
      That title was recommended to me as well! You will have to let me know how it is. Back when I had a Kindle, I downloaded an excerpt from it, but it didn’t interest me enough to commit. Maybe I need to give it a second chance. :-)

      As for the gardening book, no, I haven’t heard of it. It sounds cute though! Do you garden? If it snows where you are, I guess you’ll be waiting a while!

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