Adventures in Solids-Free Cooking

My last post, under the guise of weekend activity documentation,  was essentially just a laundry list of complaints.

I bemoaned my painful, healing mouth and my aching hip: a deadly combination which prevents me from enjoying the pleasures of solid food and running.

My chief grievance, however, was that subsisting solely on yogurt, oatmeal and applesauce was getting mundane.  The most creative effort on my part has been making fruit smoothies.

I desperately miss my vegetables!

So I have started experimenting in the kitchen with Solids-Free cooking.  Incidentally, my efforts were Gluten-Free as well.

Can you tell I how much I am craving my salads and fresh veggies?

104_1212My first endeavor was Broccoli/Vegetable Soup last night.  I began by cooking frozen broccoli within an inch of its life.

104_1214Next, I added Chicken Broth, Cashew Milk and 4 % Fat Cottage Cheese.

104_1222I always eat full-fat Cottage Cheese because it is delicious and contains less sugar than the lower-fat or fat-free varieties.

Speaking of delicious, have you tried Silk’s new Cashew Milk? It is amazing!


The unsweetened variety has savory and sweet possibilities.  It has a creamier taste than almond milk and with only 25 calories per serving, it packs a Calcium-rich punch.

104_1219However, I do wish it could compete with Dairy or Soy in the protein department.

On the side, I stir-fried chopped onion, tomato and green bell-pepper in olive oil.  The onion and tomato were store-bought, but the bell pepper was both organic and local(read: straight out of my front yard) :-)

104_1227I continued to cook the vegetables until they started to get really mushy.

104_1229Then all of the above got combined and mashed.  More Chicken Broth was added.

104_1231It kind of looks like guacamole that is feeling a bit under the weather, doesn’t it? But I can assure you, it was surprisingly good!

End Result of Broccoli/Vegetable Soup Effort #1:

It was creamy, filling and satisfying.  The Cottage Cheese provided protein and calcium.  The Cashew Milk provided Calcium and minerals.  Also, because it had so many whole vegetables, it had a fantastic amount of fiber and vitamins.

I am feeling rather pleased with my initial homemade soup effort.  Tomorrow, I will try something a little bit different.  :-)


What do you think of my liquefied concoction?

Do you have any homemade soup recipes to share?

4 thoughts on “Adventures in Solids-Free Cooking

  1. You know lentils are great in soup, that could be another option. That would give you a different flavor base profile. You might even be able to do really cooked down brown rice. Either of those could be added to veggie soups or started as the bases to different variations of soups.
    I know those are not recipes but when I cook its pretty free form so that’s just how I think about it.

    • Hey MG!
      I like where your head is at. I don’t have any lentils on hand, but I do have kidney beans and pinto beans, so I may try something similar to your suggestions.
      Previously, I thought brown rice might be too chewy or difficult to swallow, but if I cooked it until it was really mushy…hmmm, I wonder if the nutritional value gets compromised at some point?
      At any rate, great suggestions! :-)

      • Speaking of beans, you could probably do some sort of refried bean type dish. Maybe with some onions and garlic? That could be tasty.

  2. Now we’re talking! Maybe that would satisfy my craving for Mexican food! :-)

    If I was more ambitious, I would try to make an Indian dish (Veggie Korma is a favorite)…a lot of Indian food is pretty mushy/cooked down.

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