MyOatmeal! MyHappyTummy!


Last weekend, I received my Specialized Oatmeal and PB Lean from  This online company specializes in creating delicious, custom-blends of gourmet oatmeal and other nutritious products.  With all the miles I have been running in this cold weather, I was so happy to see that delivery waiting on my doorstep!

Truly, I am so glad that I gave MyOatmeal a try.  Like I explained in this post, you simply go online to create your Oatmeal or PB Lean blend while the price and nutrition facts update live as you adjust your order.

You can choose from Small, Medium and Large size bags.

A you may recall, I chose Oatmeal Cookie and Sugar Cookie Flavors.


Because, cookies. Continue reading »


MyWeekend! MyOatmeal!


Some great things happened today!

First of all, the sun finally decided to come out.  It has been cold and rainy all week, which has made it challenging to get outside and run.  My fellow running bloggers have been griping about the winter weather forcing them to retreat indoors for treadmill workouts.  Ah, if only! 

I, unfortunately, do not have access to a treadmill, so it’s either brave the elements or no running at all.  I depend on my running workouts to stay sane so it has been a cold, wet week for me…until today! It was sunny and a little bit warmer so I enjoyed just over ten miles at a relaxed pace.

I also worked in my front yard garden and Rennie joined me.  She chose to bask in the sun rather than toil with me, but I didn’t mind.  I love her companionship.  I missed her so much when I was unable to care for her during the Summer and Early Fall.

Another great thing that happened is I received my Specialized Oatmeal from! Hooray! Continue reading »