Hemp Hearts & Spinach Soup

With the dismal week behind me, I can concentrate on brighter, more positive things.

Like this weekend’s forecast:

WeatherAnd surprise delivery from Manitoba Harvest:

104_1282I have used Hemp Seeds before, adding them to salads and smoothies.  They have a nutty taste, very similar to that of a sunflower seed.

Since I am unable to eat salads while my mouth heals, I thought I would add hemp seeds to some homemade soup.

The package happened to include some interesting recipes, including this Spinach Soup:

104_1287Luckily, I have been stocking up on frozen veggies, spinach included:


I followed the recipe as closely as possible with what I already had.  I didn’t have green onions, so I substituted with diced yellow onion.

I blended the hemp hearts, oil, soup stock and onion.  I chose not to blend the spinach because it was already finely chopped.

It turned out wonderfully and was delicious.

104_1279I am going to try out some other recipes using Hemp Hearts over the weekend.  I am also going to enjoy the much-needed break from cold weather.  My garden needs tending!

What are you up to this weekend?

2 thoughts on “Hemp Hearts & Spinach Soup

  1. Hey L,
    It depends on how you use them. They maintain their crunchy integrity if you simply toss them into yogurt, a salad, etc. I have a food processor that does a pretty good job of breaking them down. Because of their fat content (the oil), blending/processing them creates a creamy texture. They are good both ways, but obviously I am limited to blending. :-)

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