For the past two months, I have been struggling with a significant Depressive Episode. A Depressive Episode is an unavoidable phase of the Bipolar Cycle and, for me, it manifests itself through feelings of irritability, anxiety, emptiness and hopelessness.
I have also really been struggling with self-worth, concentrating and making decisions.
To counteract that badness inside, I have been running a lot of miles and consuming Dopamine-Increasing and Anxiety-Reducing foods, like this yummy stir-fry here:
I have also been embracing the Holiday Season with both arms. I have attended some amazing Christmas festivities.
CrossRoads Baptist Church is where I attend my Addiction Support Group, now that I am an “outpatient”. Every year, they present a guided tour called Walk Through Bethlehem. It is freaking amazing, complete with live animals. They even had a camel! These pictures were taken on a phone at night and they do not do the event justice.
I also attended The Living Christmas Tree event at White Chapel Church with my next-door neighbor.
We decided to rock the optional 3-D glasses for this photo opportunity:
He does a pretty good “Blue Steel”.
Other Christmas festivities have included attending a performance of A Tiny Miracle With a Fiber-Optic Unicorn at The Daytona Playhouse.
The fact that I have attended so many social events in a relatively short period of time is evidence of two things:
1.) My tolerance for social interaction is improving
2.) I am trying really, really hard.
Along with the above-mentioned efforts, knowing that this Depressive Phase will pass does help a bit.
Also helpful is seeing Martha Stewart’s fantastic effort in creating a .
I can’t. Deal with this.
Glad to see you’re doing better.
As a fellow DA lover I am very impressed by that gingerbread house!
Are you looking forward to the new season starting up in January?
I am obsessed with all things DA and am counting the days until Season 5. My mom is a big fan too.
My parents are also big fans-I’m going to try and get my boyfriend into it but that may be a stretch!