Lara Croft & Writing

Hold on for one second, can we all just acknowledge that some random Facebook App 

has deemed my countenance most closely resembling that of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider?  

Compared to…Mickey Mouse, I guess?

I don’t care, I’ll take it. 

Please and Thank you. :-) 

Now that we’ve dealt with housekeeping matters most pressing, I’ll let you know what I’ve been doing, and that is not been preparing much new *quality* blog material, unless you count my diatribe on Running! 

In the last 19 months or so, the subject matter of my writing has remained largely the same: organic gardening, fitness, running, eating disorders and mental health.  When I first began publicly sharing my life, the ratio of posts devoted to gardening and fitness was much more balanced.

Just as I explained in MY ECOTONE, the blog was launched to document my out-of-the-box gardening activities.  That wasn’t enough, so I began writing EXACTLY what I’ve been living.  It was real, raw, and mortifying.

It’s was also self-indulgent and woe-is-me.  Sorry about that.

Yes, my posts can seem redundant.  My subject matter can be tedious, monotonous, repetitive, obsessive, what-have-you.  You know why? Because not every reader has been following from Day One, and I have a message.

If I were pressed to state two goals I had for this blog, I’d have to say 1.) Personal Catharsis, 2.) Public Awareness. 

Writing privately is therapeutic.  Writing publicly–especially about the ugly, shameful, humiliating, terror in my brain, my head and my life is surprisingly restorative.

I’m not looking to be told I am brave, strong or virtuous for sharing unattractive and embarrassing details.  I’m weak and sick.  I’ve done such incredible damage to myself and much more to my family.    I’m that nasty fault line under my parents’ and siblings’ homes. The structural damage reaches it’s treacherous, spiky thorns across the country, insidious, cracking foundations, separating lives and relationships.

*There I go again.*

Not everyone has the time for (or interest in) reading every last Mental Health or Eating Disorder Related post in chronological order.  I don’t even want to do that.  Some of my posts are horrifyingly self-indulgent, narcissistic and just plain garbage.

With that being said, the Blog is still Here.  I am still writing and am still passionate about the message.

But, for the heavier writing about mental health and eating disorders, I am realizing a blog is simply too disjointed a forum for the subject matter.

I want to write on this Comprehensively, Provocatively, and Articulately.  Hence, the project.

So, what I have been up to recently, besides deluding myself into thinking that Angelina and I might share some facial features? 

Writing, writing, writing.

Running (about 3-4 times a week).

Gardening (Yep, it’s already started…I planted a new Pomegranate Tree today and I am in the process of transplanting 9 (Little) FIG TREES).

So, coming up, you will be seeing a great deal of gardening and fitness related posts, with some light discussion on mental health issues.  :-)





2 thoughts on “Lara Croft & Writing

  1. SO SOOOO happy to see this post! There is such a difference in “good vibes” that I got from this post that has been sorely missing in others…

    I really like the NEW & IMPROVED format. By concentrating on more positive & construcrtive things, that is where your mindset will tend to lead. And what a time to make such a fresh start…at* the beginning of a new year!
    I’m looking forward to seeing some good changes coming this year…in the decisions that I make about my personal goals…as well as others’ who are committed to changing their lives for the better.

    I’m feeling pretty positive about it all!

    Wishing you all the best for a wonderful year ahead! Xoxo💕
    *every day is a new day…and a work in progress…😘

  2. I am liking it as well, Sherrie. :-)

    I’ve always hated the expression “fake it ’til you make it”, but I suppose that’s what I’m attempting to do. I am playing around with the format and font size a little. I guess a lot of people are reading while mobile, so that’s a work in progress, too.

    And as for the New Year mention…Yes, perfect timing…a fresh start for everyone. I’m happy to hear that you’ve got some good stuff coming up as well. :-)

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