Have you heard about the bad press that Kale has been getting lately? Some recent scientific research indicates that an over-consumption of Kale and other cruciferous veggies may increase the likelihood of hypothyroidism, kidney stones and arthritis.
Sounds to me like some scientists are just trying to get out of eating their veggies.
Since I am not convinced, I am going to keep enjoying Kale in my favorite form: Raw Baby Kale mixed with other salad greens.
Speaking of salad greens, my mom brought over a container of this for me today:
Organic Baby Spring Mix!
She also brought some fresh veggies, which I rinsed, chopped up and stored in my freezer for easy use:
Food-prep can really trigger some intense O.C.D. behaviors for me, so having everything washed and chopped ahead of time helps matters.
For my dinner, I liberated some of the veggies and sautéed them in a pan with Extra Light Olive Oil. Now, I know that Extra Virgin is supposedly the best healthiest version, but I prefer Extra Light because it doesn’t have the “grassy” taste that I find EVOO to have.
Broccoli & Sweet Baby Peppers sautéed with Fresh Garlic, Olive Oil served atop Organic Falafel Chips and garnished with melted cheddar cheese. Yum!
Yesterday, I also had Broccoli, Garlic and Olive Oil-minus the peppers and the other fancy stuff:
So while I haven’t had Kale in the last day or so, I guess my cruciferous consumption has continued via broccoli.
I am not worried.
Temperatures were in the upper 70’s when I went running. It was sunny and I felt warm enough to wear a tank top and running tights.
Tomorrow will be another story, as the temperature is supposed to plunge into the 40’s tonight. Yikes!
Looks like some of my cold-intolerant plants (like my pineapple) are going to need their blankets.
What is the weather like where you are? Has it been as inconsistent as it’s been here?
What is your favorite cruciferous vegetable?
Personally I can’t get enough veggies-and broccoli is probably my favorite! I could (and sometimes do) eat tons of it with just olive oil and salt. I have also heard about the possible thyroid complications but that hasn’t really changed the way I eat them.
Eating lots of veggies, totally living on the edge! 😉
MG, Broccoli and Asparagus are tied for #1 for me.
Olive oil and salt are great with them. Yep, guess we are rebels! 
Love, love, love kale. Use it a lot in soups this time of year. We eat a lot of broccoli in our house, too. Tossed in olive oil, garlic, salt & pepper and roasted. Delish!
Hey Kat! It’s been a while! Yum, kale in soups sounds wonderful!