Garden Check-In

The weather turned cold and windy today, forcing me to come to terms with the fact that Spring is still a couple of months 73 days away.


Some of my plants are still in the Denial Stage.

Roses are blooming:


Bell Pepper Plants are flowering and producing:


Unseasonal figs are continuing to grow:

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Two NEW figs!


And my pineapple plants are getting huge!


This one started out like this:


I am anxious to get back to walking out to my Front Yard and coming back with this:

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Have I told you that I am ready for Spring???

Despite the cold and windy conditions, I had a great run today.  When I say cold, I mean in the low 60’s.  Don’t judge my intolerance for low temps!

To give you a frame of reference, yesterday was 81 degrees when I hit the road.  So now I am home, enjoying my Electric Fireplace and my Yogi Kava tea.

What are you up to this evening?