
Growing up, I deeply resented how my late November birthday always managed to land on or near Thanksgiving weekend.



As a child, I wanted to invite friends over for my birthday party, but holiday travel plans or visiting relatives often prevented a decent girlfriend turnout.


As a teenager, I despised the squabbles between my divorced mother and father over what time Thanksgiving dinner would be served at their respective homes.2858401821_f4394e67c9_o

 As a college undergrad, I couldn’t stand the four-hour trip home from Florida State combined with the expectation of having to endure two uncomfortable meals with newly blended families.

As a graduate student, the four-hour trip became laughable to me later when I had to endure a 10+ hour trip home from East Carolina University.

As a married woman, the addition of my ex-husband’s family created a third obligation.


For almost 30 years I have harbored a grudge against Thanksgiving for “ruining” my birthday.

What a selfish brat I was.

This birthday, I turn 32 and I count the fact that I get to spend time with family and friends as the greatest gift.


Google is even excited about my birthday this Thanksgiving.


Because I am now living in the same county as both of my parents, I’m able to see family more easily on my birthday.  I also get to see friends that I love as dearly as my own family.

This makes me unbelievably happy.

For that, I am truly thankful.


2 thoughts on “Birthsgiving

  1. I hope you had a wonderful birthday filled with friends and family. The important thing is that you value that now. Think of how many people don’t realize this until its too late!

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