So far, the crops for which I have developed the most passion are my Grape Vines. I established half of them in 2014, when I first began
My Front Yard Garden. They were so tiny back then:
The other half, which I just planted this season, are the same size as the others were starting out. I am confident that they will flourish in the same manner as their predecessors.
As you can see, the established vines have grown a lot (2015).
And they’d begun producing.
I first noticed just a few grapes last week, which I mentioned previously.
At the time, I only spotted these few grapes on a singular plant.
What a week of mostly sunshine and one downpour can accomplish:
They are literally everywhere:
I don’t drink wine or grape juice, but I love fresh grapes. Because of their high sugar content, they were on my list of fear foods for a period of time. Thankfully, I have made peace with that particular neuroses and have embraced the phyto-nutrients. I can consume an obscene amount in one sitting with nary a tummy ache.
I know that some people have food allergies which prevent them from enjoying this delicious pleasure and I am truly sorry for them. If I were confronted with this limitation, I might just keep an EpiPen on standby.
↑If I were a Hanna-Barbara character, I would be Grape Ape.
Do you like grapes?
Or grape juice?
Or wine?